Welcome Virginia REALTORS®

Continuing Education: Virtual Course / Let's Get Ethical / March 20, 2025 / 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Includes a Live Web Event on 03/20/2025 at 9:00 AM (EDT)

This three-hour course will provide information to real estate licensees on the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics and how they can ensure that they comply with the Code of Ethics requirements. This is directed toward real estate licensees who are members of the National Association of REALTORS®. First, the course will thoroughly provide an overview of the Code of Ethics. The class will then examine the process by which someone files a complaint alleging a violation of the Code of Ethics. Finally, it will review some specific scenarios to provide examples of the most common violations relating to the Code of Ethics.

CE/PL APPROVAL: 3 Hours Ethics and Standards of Conduct for CE; 3 Hours Ethics for PL

Components visible upon registration.

Jon Haley

Associate General Counsel


As Staff Counsel for Virginia REALTORS®, Jon wears many hats. He works with the rest of the legal team to teach, create podcasts and legal videos, and even draft legal briefs for the Supreme Court of Virginia. After graduating from the University of Richmond School of Law, Jon clerked for a Circuit Court judge and then worked for a large claims administration firm in town. Those jobs gave him a wide array of legal experiences, which he has been putting to use helping protect REALTORS® since 2017. As busy as he is with work, he is equally as busy having fun outside of work! He lends his guitar skills to his band, Church Hill Music Company. The Atlanta Braves and UVA sports (2019 National Champs!) play a big role in his life—no matter how painful some seasons may be! With his wife, Mandy, by his side, they enjoy exploring new restaurants. Southern and Indian cuisines rank on his top favorite food list.